Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Modern art is Cool?

Currently I am trying to figure out who my favorite artist is. I think it is important to have favorites of things, because in many ways they help define you. So, I am delving into the thousands of years worth of art and trying to figure out what I enjoy the most. Today I spent some time with good old modern art and found a lot of stuff that I like.  Here is a random selection:

 Franz Kline

Alberto Giacometti
Salvador Dali

Pablo Picasso

Ad Reinhardt

Otto Dix

Man Ray

Piet Mondrian

Constantin Brancusi

Jacob Epstein

FrantiĊĦek Kupka


  1. Uggh! *shakes his head in frustration*

    There is a limited amount that is cool and usually only when taken purely as a design. But as a whole the thing is a great big example of the emperors new clothes. People get to feel smart and intellectual because they can see something that others do not.

    Please watch this talk(there are 4 parts):

  2. Can you honestly say if you found that chicken drawing and had no idea who did it you would think it was anything better then a wonky amateur drawing?

  3. I will admit I saw nothing special in Picasso before I learned about his story, however I do applaud his attempts at challenging himself and the world with something completely different. He could have stuck to what was conventional, but instead he pushed the boundaries and expanded the meaning of beauty.

    Saying that, I do agree that modern art has in many ways stretched the boundaries too far and at times it was a competition to see who could be the most "out there" and not an attempt to make art at all.

    I think my favorite part about any art is the story that is behind it. Maybe that is what really makes art. These songs we hear, that are manufactured in the studio for mass production, usually don't have a story and are therefor not really art. Maybe some of the appeal of modern art is that those "intellectuals" see within these obscure works their own story or, at least, can create their own story to appease their pride.

  4. oh please watch that talk then get back to me. You're comment is straight out of it.

    And it is fantastic.
    Also visit the links on the right side of my blog in the art section.

  5. I really liked that movie and I agree with it in many ways. I had to sift through a lot of crap to find stuff that I liked, however I still do like some modern art. Maybe you are right in that most of it is good purely as design, but sometimes i find comfort in the simplicity. However, I didn't start with modern art because it is my favorite. I definitely would take realistic art over modern art, but I believe that ,the mess that is, Modern art is still art.
