Friday, June 24, 2011


I just listened to this talk on TED and it has really got me thinking about the culture of dependence that we currently live in.  I don't know exactly what Joshua Walters was trying to say in his presentation, however as I listened, I saw a man who does not let his disease limit him.  Bipolar disorder is not a small thing, and that is what makes it all the more amazing that he can see the benefits behind it, as apposed to just using it as a crutch to justify a stagnate unexceptional life.
I see so many making excuses and, to be 100% honest, I find myself looking for excuses to why I can't succeed, or even excel.  After a while, those excused become our focus and soon we embrace them.  What is amazing, however, is that those who do not limit themselves based on their "problems" or shortcomings and who don't let those things become excuses; those are the people who truly do achieve greatness and live exceptional lives.

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